Be a part of the difference
There are so many of these out there that it gets really hard to choose the right one you would like to be invested in. Choosing a project based on your interests for a species or an area that you feel needs help is easy to find on various websites but the question is “how will my money actually help” - versus the nice website claims. Some of these are absolutely doing an amazing job and deserve your support and others are more support for a lifestyle with little actual changing on the ground.
I have seen many of these organizations and individuals and worked with some of these during my decades of experience in the safari world of Africa, so I feel I have a good feeling of those that are more genuine than others. So to break things down if you are wanting to help but not sure where, I can tell you that many of the safari camps that we book for you already have built into their pricing some form of conservation or community levy, so your presence at the camp is already helping.

Become part of the team
If you would like to do more I work with my long time friend and colleague Ivan Carter who has established the Non-Profit – Ivan Carter Conservation Alliance.
They essentially work as a conduit for donor funding which conservation projects that he and his team vet for their worthiness and work that they are doing. If you have a specific species or area that you are wanting to support we can put you in contact with them or we do it on your behalf to discuss what projects are out there looking for support, and if you would like we can build this into your safari where possible so you actually get into the field with this project and see how it works and get involved with what the people on the ground are doing. This may include helping to collar a giraffe, de horn a rhino, putting tracking tags on to a pangolin, help relocate a lion or elephant to help reduce human wildlife conflict and help to re-wild another area. It is an amazing experience being right there and part of the team on the ground and seeing what happens plus learn from these dedicated people about their work and what they are learning. Where possible they will also want you to be a part of their team in the field for the day so you wont just be a spectator but a hands on member of the team.
This can be an incredible add on to family safari to show your family what happens behind the scenes and inspire them to be a part of conservation for the future.
Add it to my safari!
These are unique experiential safaris that can be a part of the main safari program or the whole focus. With these experiences we work with the Ivan Carter Wildlife Conservation Alliance who are actively involved with several leading conservation organizations across Africa and the Americas who are working in the field and need financial support for their projects. We will discuss with you along the lines of your favourite animal or the type of experience you are looking for and link that with the right project that is in need of support. With your financial support, we will then get you on the ground with these projects so you can observe and participate in with what happens in the field. This may include helping to dehorn a rhino, putting a tracking tag onto a giraffe, refit a tracking collar on an elephant, take sample biopsies from a cheetah or lion, there really is a so much that is ongoing in Africa that you can help with and be a part of.